Anyone interested in justice being served regarding the 2014 illegal fishing operation uncovered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service should write letters to both the assistant U.S. Attorney in MarquetteMichigan and the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan in Grand Rapids.Please state that you want to see justice served and the offenders prosecuted for blatantly and willingly violating the law.The Lacey Act was clearly violated, and it's time for these poachers to be punished.What good is having law...if it's not going to be enforced?Law enforcement did their job, and a great one at that, in uncovering what people knew was happening all along.Below you will find the addresses for the Assistant U.S. Attorney and the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan.PLEASE WRITE AND DEMAND JUSTICE for our bays, and for every community affected by illegal fishing activities.
Maarten Vermaat
Assistant U.S. Attorney
United States Attorney's Office First Merit Bank 2nd Floor 1930 US 41 West Marquette, MI49855
Patrick Miles, Jr.
United States Attorney's Office
Western District of Michigan
United States Attorney's Office P O. Box 208 Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0208
Captain Ken Lee Sall-Mar Resort / Bay de Noc Charters