Come on hunters...let's see your deer. I finally got mine Sat. the 24th at 3:30 p.m., not the big one I was hoping for, but a decent 7 pt. I had a really good rifle season this year, for the few times I was able to get out between work and family obligations. Opening morning I was with my son at the hospital getting his tonsils out. All went well and I was in the blind by 1:30 opening afternoon. Saw 14 deer that day, but no shooters. Friday the 16th I saw tons of deer, stopped counting at 25, but all does, fawns, and small bucks. Saturday the 17th I only saw 9 deer, but 7 of them were bucks, including a nice 8 pt and a 6 pt that I hadn't seen on the camera yet. Had to work the next 4 days and then spend T-giving at home with family, but finally got back in the blind Fri. the 23rd...only saw 5 does in all that wind and snow. Saturday the 24th was much nicer and the deer were moving early. I got in my blind around 1:30 and by 3:30 I had seen three bucks and a doe. I decided that since my time was running out I would take the 7 pointer. The 35 caliber 200gr. bullet dropped him where he was standing 90 yds away, and I was home by 4:30. Still have a couple doe permits to use up during muzzle-loading and late bow season, my family loves venison and it's pretty much the only meat we use during the year. Steve Soderman does a top-notch job processing!