My wife Theresa and I tried the "Chain of Lakes" today. I guess that's what some folks call them. It's 4 or 5 lakes all connected. We only fished for about 3 hours and only hit Corner and Deep Lakes. Marked some good fish both suspended and on bottom in both lakes, but could not get them to hit. Not surprised with the tubers and jet skiers... Kind of neat how you go thru this small channel to access Deep Lake. Theresa spotted a big snapping turtle walking across the bottom as went thru the channel and I think you can see her point it out to me in the video. Anyway, we ended up finding some bluegills (pretty small ones) hanging out in the fallen trees along a shoreline in Deep Lake. Doesn't matter what size they are, if we find bluegills, that's what Theresa wants to fish for. My mother was the same way. She just loved watching that bobber go down! I think it's because with each new bite, you think it just might be a "bull". Wasn't the case today though. Thanks to lots of totally swallowed hooks, we ended up bringing back enough small ones for a meal. The little ones eat just a good as the big ones, you just need more of them! I'm convinced there are probably some good sized gills in these lakes, just need more time to find them and a little less traffic on the water. We are definately going to try these lakes again sometime. I put the video up just so folks can get an idea of what the lakes are like (at least Corner and Deep).
It sure looked like a nice day to be fishing. I have fished there before and it is a neat place how all the lakes are connected. Glad you two were able to get away.